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Annika Schmidt [email protected] Weather Get ready for a sunny week with highs in the 70s and lows in the 40s. The coolest day this week will be Thursday, which will peak inRead more >
Annika Schmidt [email protected] Weather Get ready for a sunny week with highs in the 70s and lows in the 40s. The coolest day this week will be Thursday, which will peak inRead more >
Fiona O’Dowd [email protected] Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in March, many people have seen their lives take a complete 180 — between unemployment, working remotely and, for students, transitioning to online school and navigating education from home. This has especiallyRead more >
Annika Schmidt [email protected] Three faculty members have taken on new positions at UCCS during the COVID-19 pandemic: Karen Markel, Lynn Vidler, and Sandy Ho. They each share their experiences, prospects for their colleges andRead more >
Caitlyn Dieckmann [email protected] Growing up in the virtual era has been described to me as a blessing and a curse, mostly by older generations, although that simple saying does not really cutRead more >
Fiona O’Dowd-White [email protected] It has officially begun: the leaves are changing colors; the temperature is getting cooler; pumpkins are being sold at every supermarket in the country; plaid is starting to look particularly flattering and Starbucks has officially put Pumpkin Spice LattesRead more >
Brandon Flanery [email protected] I am not gonna lie, I like McDonald’s, especially a Big Mac after an intense workout. I am probably a terrible millennial for saying this (as opposed to a “good” millennial thatRead more >
Caitlyn Dieckmann [email protected] Sept. 28: Discovery of California and Penicillin 1542: Selected by the governor of Guatemala, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo set sail and discovered California in 1542, arriving on this day at what is now knownRead more >
Scribe Staff [email protected] This is how much time The Scribe staff spends in front of a screen on a typical day.Read more >
Cambrea Hall [email protected] Looking for an opportunity to serve the Colorado Springs community and gain clinical experience? The non-profit Mission Medical Center is seeking interested UCCS students to volunteer and provide free healthcare to those in need. ForRead more >
Autumn Hyatt [email protected] Everyone has anxiety. You know the feelings you get from riding a roller coaster or on a day when a presentation is due? Those are symptoms of anxiety, and they are necessary to ensure survival.Read more >
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